Bridging Knowledge: Artificial Intelligence, ASI symposium

Aresys had the opportunity to participate in the symposium “Bridging Knowledge: Artificial Intelligence” organized by Agenzia Spaziale Italiana. It was an enlightening experience that allowed us to understand further applications of AI and machine learning in space and Earth Observation.

Aresys is a prominent AI solution provider and we are developing advanced Remote sensing AI solutions like oil spill detection and maritime traffic monitoring for the service segment of IRIDE ( or our product for the cloud and cloud shadows segmentation for muti-spectral images (

Interacting with ASI and its supporting companies provided us with new insights and new drivers to advance the uses of AI in Earth Observation!

EUSAR 2024

Aresys recently participated at the prestigious EUSAR 2024 organized by German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Munich and is proud to announce that the work “FDM MIMO SAR Tomography” by Politecnico di Milano, Aresys and ISAE-SUPAERO won the best paper award for a significant contribution in the SAR field.

The work, presented by Professor Stefano Tebaldini from Politecnico di Milano, focuses on a new distributed SAR tomography concept, developed in collaboration with Aresys.

The journal version:

Aresys contributed also to several presentations regarding its latest research activities for European Space Agency – ESA missions and new SAR concepts.
Here you can find further information

VH-RODA 2023

Aresys participated in the Very High-resolution Radar & Optical Data Assessment (VH-RODA) 2023 Workshop was held in ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, from 27 – 30 November 2023. In quality of responsible of non-ESA SAR missions‘ quality assessment, we presented the results achieved in the framework of the Earthnet Data Assessment Project (EDAP+). To read more about the project:  
We were also glad to introduce to the SAR community the SAR Calibration Toolbox (SCT), an open-source tool developed by Aresys and funded by ESA, that will allow users to perform multi-mission SAR cal/val and quality analyses. The tool will be released to the public in April 2024. We are happy to contribute to the definition of standards in the SAR data quality assessment for both space agencies and new space missions.

Italy and South Korea strengthen their space cooperation

Peaceful intentions underlie the new collaboration signed between Italy and South Korea, fortifying the pre-existing relationship in the space sector. The Memorandum of Understanding was sealed in the presence of Italian President Sergio Mattarella and the President of the Republic of South Korea, Yoon Suk-yeo. The collaboration was signed by Italian Space Agency President, Teodoro Valente, and South Korea’s Minister of Science and ICT, Lee Jong-ho.

“Aresys has been continuously supporting South Korea Space industry for more than 10 years now, and the outlook for future activities is exciting. South Korea space industry is at the technological far front at a global level and it offers a unique opportunity to face challenging technological problems and to develop innovative solutions. We are more than happy to see that the cooperation between the two countries is supported at the highest level”, Davide D’Aria, Aresys CEO, points out.

The areas that will be implemented through the Memorandum of Understanding, can be read on the ASI website, are: space science and exploration, Earth observation with a focus on environmental monitoring and disaster management, technologies concerning synthetic aperture radar, integrated applications, and promotion of space sector initiatives for industries and commerce.

Find more on the ASI news link:

Italian Aerospace Mission

What a great journey! From October 23 to 27 Davide D’Aria, Aresys CEO, and Fabio Gerace, our Business Development Manager, took part in the Italian Aerospace Mission. From SpaceX and Rocket Lab‘s next-generation rockets, through Virgin Galactic‘s spaceflights concepts and up to the moon with Axiom Space‘s lunar exploration innovations. Without missing a must-see visit to the iconic NASA’s JPL and JSC headquarters.
We would like to thank again Agenzia Spaziale Italiana and ITA Houston – Italian Trade Agency for this great opportunity and to the selected excellence of the Italian aerospace industry that was our fellow traveler. We come back home, with strengthen links to our national space industries and institutions and a renewed impulse to innovate and push forward our technologies.

Committee on Earth Observation Satellites Synthetic Aperture Radar Workshop 2023 (CEOS SAR WGCV 2023)

Committee on Earth Observation Satellites Synthetic Aperture Radar Workshop 2023 (CEOS SAR WGCV 2023) took place from Monday October 16th to Wednesday October 18th 2023 at DLR premises in Oberpfaffenhofen. Andrea Recchia, SAR Engineering Services, and Beatrice Mai, SAR Data Processing and Calibration Engineer, had the opportunity to meet many colleagues having the chance to attend many interesting talks on SAR data calibration and validation activities. “We were glad to contribute to the conference talking about the Sentinel-1 calibration activities that Aresys performs as part of the SAR Mission Performance Cluster (MPC)”, Recchia comments.

Aresys has acquired Innova Srl OT branch

To enhance its own Market Position, Aresys Srl announces an important Acquisition Operation 

Aresys, leader in the earth observation sector, announced a relevant strategic step regarding its corporate growth: the acquisition of Innova Srl OT branch. The official date of the company’s takeover was on September 27, 2023. Based in Matera, Innova Srl was founded in 1989 and has been operating for more than 30 years in focusing images from SAR satellite data, acquired and processed by the User Ground Segment (UGS) of the Matera Space Center. 

The branch acquisition represents a strategic opportunity for Aresys to spread its presence over the Italian market, strengthening its competitive position. Innova is renowned for having followed, since the beginning, every phase of the COSMO-SkyMed First and Second Generation project. This acquisition allows Aresys to inherit outstanding expertise and broaden its market by providing support to Italy’s leading global RADAR COSMO mission.

“We are thrilled to announce this acquisition deal, which represents an important step in our growth path” – states Davide D’Aria, CEO of Aresys – “A particularly important step in the year of Aresys’ 20th anniversary, which further establishes the company as a globally active player in the field of earth observation from space. Innova’s experience and know-how will integrate seamlessly with our business, allowing us to broaden our customer base and technologies”.

“Our company was born and grew through activities in the aerospace sector. Today we are more focused on the market of environmental management and circular economy” – explains Andrea Di Pasquale, Innova CEO – “and we have found in Aresys the ideal partner to give continuity and strengthen the activities in the field of earth observation, creating in Matera a presidium of the company with the certainty of its potentiation, already in the coming months. The OT branch of Innova from today continues its activities becoming part of a large company that will use to the fullest, the skills, experience and knowledge gathered in two decades of work.”

Both companies will work closely together to ensure a seamless transition for customers and employees.

Aresys, leader nel settore dell’osservazione della terra, ha annunciato un importante passo strategico nell’ambito della sua crescita aziendale, con l’acquisizione del ramo OT di Innova Srl di Matera. La data ufficiale dell’acquisizione risale al giorno 27 settembre 2023. Azienda nata nel 1989 nel campo, Innova Srl opera da più trent’anni nella focalizzazione di immagini da dati satellitari di tipo SAR, acquisiti e processati dal Segmento di Terra Utente (UGS) del Centro Spaziale di Matera.  

L’acquisizione del ramo rappresenta un’opportunità strategica per Aresys di ampliare la propria presenza sul mercato italiano e rafforzare ulteriormente la propria posizione competitiva. Innova è conosciuta per aver seguito, già dal suo inizio, ogni fase del progetto COSMO-SkyMed di Prima e Seconda Generazione e questa acquisizione consente ad Aresys di ereditare una expertise di eccellenza e allargare il proprio mercato includendo il supporto alla missione RADAR COSMO, missione italiana leader a livello globale. 

“Siamo entusiasti di annunciare questa operazione di acquisizione, che rappresenta un passo importante nel nostro percorso di crescita” dichiara Davide D’Aria, CEO di Aresys “Un passo particolarmente importante nell’anno del ventesimo anniversario di Aresys che si afferma ulteriormente come società attiva a livello globale nel campo dell’osservazione della terra dallo spazio.  L’esperienza e il know-how di Innova si integreranno perfettamente con la nostra azienda, consentendoci di allargare il nostro bacino di clienti e di tecnologie.” 

“La nostra azienda è nata e cresciuta grazie alle attività nel settore aerospazio. Oggi siamo maggiormente focalizzati sul mercato della gestione ambientale e dell’economia circolare – spiega Andrea Di Pasquale CEO Innova – e abbiamo trovato in Aresys il partner ideale per dare continuità e potenziare le attività in ambito osservazione della terra, creando a Matera un presidio della società con la certezza di un suo potenziamemto già nei prossimi mesi. l ramo OT di Innova da oggi continua la sua attività diventando parte di una grande azienda che utilizzerà al meglio, le competenze, esperienze e saperi raccolti in due decenni di lavoro”

Entrambe le aziende lavoreranno a stretto contatto per garantire una transizione senza soluzione di continuità per i clienti e per i dipendenti. 

Aresys 20th Anniversary party

For its first 20 years, Aresys held an anniversary party on July 6, involving all of our employees and partners.

It was a moment of joy and sharing in which we retraced the highlights of our history and presented what will be the future challenges.
Thanks to everybody, in the present and in the past, that contributed to brought us here and that will take us even further!


anniversary cake


Aresys turns 20

20 years ago, in the second half of 2003, Aresys was founded as a spin-off of Politecnico di Milano. Since then Aresys is putting all its efforts in delivering innovative high-end technological solutions to the Earth Observation market.

Nowadays Aresys is a consolidated company, with more than 70 employees, serving the upstream midstream and downstream space segments through dedicated products and services. We take the chance to thank all our customers that trusted us from the beginning and all the amazing Aresys professionals that are day after day making the company a primary player in the space market.

Follow us to get updates about 20 years celebrations!

CelebrateAresys #Aresys20years

Aresys enters Enivibes, first Eniverse JV

The major operation closed in March 2023.

Aresys enters Enivibes the first venture established as part of the activities of Eniverse, the Corporate Venture Builder of Eni.

Enivibes becomes a global player in real-time monitoring on new or existing pipelines through Eni’s proprietary technology called e-vpms.

Happy and proud to be on board!

Read the official press release by Eni.

Aresys entra in Enivibes la prima venture costituita nell’ambito delle attività di Eniverse, il Corporate Venture Builder di Eni.

Enivibes diventa un player a livello mondiale nel campo del monitoraggio in tempo reale su condotte nuove o esistenti grazie alla tecnologia proprietaria Eni denominata e-vpms.

Felici e orgogliosi di essere a bordo!

Leggi il comunicato ufficiale di Eni