PDR (Preliminary Design Review) of the SATURN project: completed

Aresys completed with success the PDR (Preliminary Design Review) of the SATURN project and is looking forward to the future phases C/D/E, including the In-orbit demonstration.
Aresys has been working, since the ESA-supported conceptual and feasibility studies, on the technological development of distributed SAR systems.
Distributed SAR is a paradigm shift for Earth Observation. Applied to swarms of small satellites, flying in close formation, it enables high-performance SAR imaging at reduced cost.
The potential of distributed SAR is yet to be fully demonstrated and exploited.
The SATURN project, developed within the ALCOR Agenzia Spaziale Italiana framework, direcly inherits Aresys expertise and, in its first implementation, it has the objective to demonstrate the capabilities and the performance of a distributed “SAR train”. SATURN will be the first MIMO SAR space system, for which Aresys is developing the miniaturized SAR payload and the processing scheme.
Aresys would also like to thank the partners of this project OHB Italia S.p.A., Airbus Italia and Politecnico di Milano.